
Buddies Childcare

We are fortunate to have a state of the art Childcare centre to the rear of our building. Buddies Childcare provides Creche, Junior Pre-School, Pre-School, After Schools and Out-Of-School Programmes. Inevitably the childcare centre had to be called “Buddies”; as the Junior partner of “Bud’s”. And the happy family atmosphere, which this implies, is immediately apparent. It is reknown for the safe place and homely atmosphere that our Childcare staff provide.

Much more than childcare, it is a place for your child to develop their emotional, intellectual, physical, linguistic and social skills.  It is not surprising that it has been such a success, given the bright surroundings, modern equipment, and superb facilities that it enjoys, but more important than any of these, is the quality of the staff that work with the children, and the pre-school education that it provides.

Our Gallery illustrates just some of the features and equipment of this bright modern centre, but a visit is by far the best way to feel the atmosphere, the security, and the sense of care which abounds, in, the so aptly named, “Buddies”.